Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Bed time plans

We all go to bed expecting a better tomorrow. I wonder what we would do if tomorrow didn't exist. Would we live each day as it was the last day? We would have spent all the money on everything we wanted how silly ever that be. There would be no procastinations. Live in the moment would have been the mantra of our everyday life. But, God created tomorrow. Tomorrow is hope, tomorrow is a bonus. If we are sad today we are going to be happy tomorrow and if are happy today we are going to be more happy tomorrow. Today is pain but tomorrow is going to be the gift of today. Today is risk but tomorrow is the fruit of the risks taken today. If we could not do anything today we are definitely going to do it tomorrow. Tomorrow is good. So, stretch yourself today, burn those extra calories today, fight today, fall today, lose today cry today