Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Procrastination. The one thing I hate the most, the one thing I do the most and the one thing I fight the most. All my life, all the time I have been procrastinating things. I have been procrastinating so much that I sometimes wonder how different life had been hadn't I postponing all that had to be done. There is so much that I want to do, so much I wished for but its this habit of mine  that has never helped me grow. If procrastination was a course, I would have got an A+ every year.I am sure many people have this bad habit and many people are fighting this habit. I wish I was strong in my fight too and do what I am supposed to do. My only worry is I should not get comfortable in this habit. I should not get used to this reckless behavior and I should not be lost because its easy to get lost, its easy to give up and its easy to get carried away in the stream. What is not easy is to fight. It was never easy and will never be. But I will fight, I will fight to win, I will fight to liberate my self, I will fight to win myself, Win my respect, my courage and win all that I worth of. If I have developed this I should have the power to fight it, kill it and destroy it. I pray that lord Almighty bless me and bless everyone who is fighting to conquer this evil.
Fight I will
Win I will

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Bed time plans

We all go to bed expecting a better tomorrow. I wonder what we would do if tomorrow didn't exist. Would we live each day as it was the last day? We would have spent all the money on everything we wanted how silly ever that be. There would be no procastinations. Live in the moment would have been the mantra of our everyday life. But, God created tomorrow. Tomorrow is hope, tomorrow is a bonus. If we are sad today we are going to be happy tomorrow and if are happy today we are going to be more happy tomorrow. Today is pain but tomorrow is going to be the gift of today. Today is risk but tomorrow is the fruit of the risks taken today. If we could not do anything today we are definitely going to do it tomorrow. Tomorrow is good. So, stretch yourself today, burn those extra calories today, fight today, fall today, lose today cry today

Friday, June 8, 2007

When I am alone

Quiet and silent as i sit and gaze into this world i find so many faces that i know and i wonder how many of these know me....I wonder if i am busy or is this world not interested in me???
People of different places know each other and why dosen't any one know me??I wonder..
I wonder was i not taught to be social?? or has this world forgotten to be social??I wonder..
i waited for people to gesture at me or atleast smile as i walk pass but always felt "did he notice me" i wonder..
I stood if front of the mirror gazing if i looked unpleasant;but wait.... i didn't but did i?? I wonder..
I always thoght let me just do my bit,let me make the beginning.but will they do their part??I wonder..
Slowly silently this fear stayed in me and grew as i.But will i ever over come?? I wonder??
People told me "get up man,are you not well??" when i was in my best of temperments huh I wonder??